Thursday, 22 March 2007

Vitamin C and cancer

Source: Science Daily, Wikipedia,

I'm sure you must be eagerly waiting to see what is the connection between Vitamin C and cancer. I won't make wait anymore. I'll jump into it straight away.

Researchers have found out that interaction between chromium 6 and Vitamin C inside the cells could trigger mutations and DNA damage thereby leading to cancer.

I think I'll type in something about chromium 6 and Vitamin C before proceeding to the news. Chromium is found in water, rocks
and soils. It is also found in small traces in our food. It is usually found in two forms namely chromium 3 and chromium 6.

Chromium 3 is found more and it has some health benefits like metabolising sugars and participating in many enzyme reactions. Chromium 6 is the carcinogen.

Vitamin C is very important for our body because it acts as an anti-oxidan
t, preventing cells from undergoing free radical damage. Outside the cells, it is Vitamin C that converts chromium 6 to chromium 3 thereby preventing it from entering into the cells.

But what happens when there is an interaction between Vitamin C and Chromium 6 inside the cells?

Researchers worked on this and they found startling results. The activity of Vitamin C on Chromium 6 brought about heavy damage to the chromosome and DNA.  

And the thing is that even if chromium 6 is in trace amounts inside the body, it could give rise to such a tremendous reaction in the presence of Vitamin C.

The Chromium 6 issue came to light in the 1990s thanks to the movie "Erin Brockovich".


Anonymous said...

Hi pal...I guess "I wont make you wait any longer" is more right. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Clinical tests prove conclusively that Vitamin C fights cancer. Where's your clinical results?!