Thursday 24 May 2007

An apple a day keeps cancer away

Source: Science Daily

Remember what our elders used to say? "Don't peel your apples. The nutrition content is there in the skin". Well...this statement has got more strength now from the recent discovery of anti-cancer properties in the apple skin.

Previously, It was thought that the skin was only rich in dietary fibre. But now, researchers have found out substances in the peel that could prevent cancer.

The experiment was conducted on Red Delicious Apples and the peels were analysed for compounds that could have anti-cancer properties. They found out that the compound Triterpenoid has anti-proliferative properties and could prove to a useful anti-cancer compound.

The test was conducted on cultures of human liver, breast and colon cancer cells.

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Drinking reduces the risk of renal cancer

Source: Science Daily

This is sweet news for those who drink. Researchers have found out that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol reduces the risk of renal cancer. This has been found from tests conducted on 12 people.

The test conducted revealed that alcohol consumption reduced the risk by about 30 percent and that it didn't vary between the type of alcohol comsumed e.g. wine, whisky and beer.

But then the researchers also warned that this is not the way to keep renal cancer at bay since alcohol consumption increases the risk of oesophagal cancer, liver, colon and rectum. So the best way to keep cancer at bay is to lead a healthy life style and abstain from smoking. This also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

High risk for cancer patients taking multiple medications

Source: Science Daily

Cancer patients are usually administered a number of medications not only for treating cancer but also for other secondary illnesses. But researchers have found out that the interactions between the various drugs could prove disastrous for the patient and in some cases may lead to death as well.

The research was actually a survey conducted by Dr.Riechelmann of the Princess Margaret Hospital. He analysed the reports of the various drugs submitted by a number of cancer patients. He then made an analysis of the various potential drug interactions and concluded that the patients underwent atleast one type of drug interaction.

It was also found that the combination of drugs even affected the anti-cancer drugs in some cases. Hence the researchers say that it is necessary to monitor the cancer patients regularly for potential drug interactions and alter the doses or change the medications altogether.